Pilates Exercise

Pilates Reformer - Coordination

In this video, Shoshana reviews Coordination. This move challenges coordination. It strengthens the abdominals. It challenges the stability of the torso with quick movement of the legs. Springs: 2

Pilates Reformer - Hamstring Curls

In this video, Shoshana reviews Hamstring Curls. This exercise strengthens the hamstrings, while stabilizing the pelvis and lengthening the spine. This is an efficient exercise to work the hamstrings. Springs: 1 to 2

Pilates Reformer - Short Box Series

Short Box Series- Including the Tree and Side Sit Ups. These exercises work to increase both abdominal and back strength and mobility of the spine.  Side Sit Ups focuses on the obliques. Springs: 2

Pilates Reformer - Down Stretch

In this video, Shoshana reviews Down Stretch. This exercise strengthens the torso while maintaining a lift of the lower back and a stretch of the hips. Springs: 2

Pilates Reformer - Elephant

In this video, Shoshana reviews Elephant. This exercise works on shoulder girdle stabilization while strengthening the abdominals, hip flexors and hip extensors. Springs: 2