
Pilates Reformer - Down Stretch

In this video, Shoshana reviews Down Stretch. This exercise strengthens the torso while maintaining a lift of the lower back and a stretch of the hips. Springs: 2

Pilates Reformer - Up Stretch

In this video, Shoshana reviews Up Stretch. This exercise is a combination of long stretch, down stretch and elephant. It challenges the lengthening of the spine against the compression of the springs. It is also a spinal mobility exercise. Springs: 2

Pilates Reformer - Elephant

In this video, Shoshana reviews Elephant. This exercise works on shoulder girdle stabilization while strengthening the abdominals, hip flexors and hip extensors. Springs: 2

Pilates Reformer - Tendon Stretch

In this video, Shoshana reviews Tendon Stretch. This exercise stretches the achilles tendon and lower back while strengthening abdominals. Springs: 2

Pilates Reformer - Semi-Circle

In this video, Shoshana reviews Semi- Circle. This exercise stretches and opens the chest and spine through articulation in the first part of the exercise and stretches and opens the hips in the second part. It also strengthens the legs through out the whole exercise. Springs: 2 outside springs